[In]Corporeal Architecture project started in 2018 as an installation that was part of my PhD research, and evolved to an online experience during pandemic 2020. [In]Corporeal Architecture allows you to visit other people’s homes without leaving your home through written guided walks.
[In]Corporeal Architecture Installation, 2018, Testing Grounds, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The installation took place at the Testing Grounds as part of the Double Bind exhibition curated by Nick Waddell. The venue provided a space for me to experiment with a corporeal experience of an architectural space of my apartment in Serbia. There are two components that assist the experience: 1) written descriptions of the space and how to move in it, and 2) textile casts of my clothed body (wearable body-suits), and two aspects of architecture I call incorporeal and corporeal architecture.

Incorporeal architecture relates to the architectural space that is not created physically using typical architectural elements (walls, floors, ceilings), but through corporeal memories of the visitors. Detailed descriptive texts (guided walks) are intended to keep visitors’ focus on their bodies and previous experiences, and to contribute to the feeling of the architectural atmosphere.
Corporeal architecture puts emphasis on the perception of the space and how it relies on the body and movement, and not on the actual built space. This space transforms memories of the visitors who are taking a walk, and who are self-reflecting on this new space making the experience more tangible, even though the space itself appears intangible (incorporeal).
To experience this architectural space, visitors were offered guided walking tours through a reconstructed apartment (living room, dining room, bedroom, balcony etc.). To enhance their experience of this space visitors were recommended to wear the textile casts that represented my body.

Plan of Testing Grounds with the walking paths (in colour) visitors made during the walk
[In]Corporeal Architecture online iteration, 2020
The online iteration of the [In]Corporeal Architecture is a collection of guided walks through houses and apartments in different cities around the world. People who live on different continents, in different countries and different cities, donated stories about their homes and themselves. You are invited to visit as many spaces as you wish. People whose homes you are visiting will take you on a tour, and ask you to walk through their spaces and look through their windows and balconies. The project is a continuation of the art-experiment that was conducted for my PhD research. In the art-experiment, I shared my childhood home with other people.
More info soon.